For maximum impact.
Expert installation of Skylight, ballistic, or curved will make or take maximum impact.
Maximum impact. Minimum headache.
Whether you need to make a big impact with a Skylight, curved or or protect your property or people with ballistic glass such as bulletproof, blast or fire resistant glass, our team has the right product to keep you safe. We work with leading worldwide providers to install specialty products that will protect you from any danger, from earthquakes to bombs.
Specialty glass that makes a BIG impact.
Commercial Impact Skylights
Full service Skylight provider for the Treasure Coast & Central Florida.
We offer the widest assortment of large commercial skylights in various models, sizes, and glazing in the industry. All units are designed for standard and custom skylight applications and utilize the most energy efficient, durable, maintenance-free materials available. Commercial skylight systems include architectural, unit, point supported, fall and impact resistant skylights.
Curved Glass
Also known as bent glass, our curved glass can be used to create nearly any shape — from a dome, to a curved front window or even a specially built sunroom — to create a safe, unique look.
Impact glass that takes a BIG impact.
Bulletproof Glass
The products we use have been tested against handguns and rifles and come through with flying colors.
Our bulletproof glass provides protection from 22-caliber handguns to a 30-06 rifle and compliant with WMFL physical attack levels II and III.
Blast Resistant Glass
Our glass has been tested to come out on top against TNT, Claymore mines and hand grenades. Against our 1” thick SAF-GLAS, a 50lb charge of TNT at just 7.5 feet away produced NO through openings and low hazard spall. Our 9/19” SAF-GLASS with spall shield withstood a grenade explosion from 6 feet away with no through openings and no spall.
Fire Resistant Glass
In a November 2000 test by Underwriters Lab, our FTB fire resistant glass performed at 1700 degrees for one hour and tolerated immediate exposure to a firehose stream test. Available from 1/2" through 2 1/2" thickness, FTB glass is also blast, bullet and windborne debris resistant.
Skylight Impact Glass.
Skylight Service.
Impact Experts can handle your specialty project, whether you need a fire resistant, Skylight or bulletproof glass company. Call us today at (772) 285-9342 to talk about your unique construction needs.