5 Reasons You Should Install Hurricane-Resistant Windows
Consider the top 5 reasons you should install impact windows and doors before hurricane season. In the long run, homeowners can have a peace-of-mind when preparing for a storm. Hurricane preparedness involves a lot more than securing windows and doors. Installing hurricane windows and doors leaves more time to get the yard and home necessities ready for the season. Best of all there are benefits all year long with security and energy savings.

Difference Between Hurricane Windows and Impact Windows
Whether you are building a new home or renovating an existing home explore your options between hurricane windows or impact windows. The more knowledge a homeowner has on the different types of windows will prepare them to make the right decision for their home. Windows can provide safety and security for your family and is a long-term investment.

Impact Windows vs Hurricane Shutters
Deciding on whether to install hurricane shutters or impact windows depends on your budget. Accordion shutters may protect the home and are easy to close the bi-folds when necessary. Preparing for a hurricane and having a plan in place is critical in Florida. Financial considerations will help your family or business prepare ahead of time. Choose between impact windows and doors or hurricane panels.